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In its 88-year story, the mission of our institute has been to carry out excellence research in fundamental and applied physical chemistry, contributing to the scientific training of several generations of researchers at the highest level. Our vision is to be an international reference in multidisciplinary research focused on the resolution of the present challenges of our society in the fields of health, biotechnology, new materials, and environment.



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Seminario impartido por el Dr. Igor Schapiro, from the Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Seminario impartido por Teresa Giráldez, Catedrática de Fisiología en la Universidad de La Laguna/Instituto de Tecnologías Biomédicas

Biochemical, biophysical and structural approach to determine the molecular basis of the calcium-sensitive regulation of the Gα chaperone and guanine exchange factor Ric-8A by the neuronal calcium sensor NCS-1.

Seminario impartido por Rafael Molina, del Departamento de Cristalografía del IQF

This work reveals the previously unidentified role of marine biogenic nitrate ions in atmospheric aerosol nucleation.

On the ocassion of "La Semana de la Ciencia 2023", our colleague Luis Cerdán attended the program "Las tardes de RNE" to conduct a few experiments in collaboration with Nuria Fonseca-Bonilla (AEST)

Seminario impartido por la Dra. Patricia Horcajada, del IMDEA Energía

La Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) es una sociedad científica británica con 182 años de antigüedad. La designación FRSC (Fellow of the RSC) se otorga a miembros electos que han hecho contribuciones importantes a la Química.