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In its 88-year story, the mission of our institute has been to carry out excellence research in fundamental and applied physical chemistry, contributing to the scientific training of several generations of researchers at the highest level. Our vision is to be an international reference in multidisciplinary research focused on the resolution of the present challenges of our society in the fields of health, biotechnology, new materials, and environment.



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El desarrollo de la Genética durante el siglo XX ha sido un motor principal de la actual revolución biológica, que está llamada a tener un enorme impacto social.

El IQF participa en la Semana de la Ciencia del CSIC 2023 con actividades dirigidas a estudiantes de Primaria, ESO, Bachillerato, Ciclos Formativos y el público general. Visita:

Creating new materials for realization of carbon neutrality: hydrogen boride and boron monosulfide sheets

Seminario impartido por el Dr. Jose Requejo-Isidro

Seminario impartido por la Dr. J. Inmaculada Pérez Dorado

This work shows how activated nocturnal nitrogen chemistry drives severe haze formation in polluted environments when NO emissions suddenly reduce.

Seminario impartido por el Prof. Jesús Jiménez Barbero, actual Premio Nacional de Química

Congratulations to our IQF scientist Dr. Miguel Mompéan García, winner of the 2023 National Young Research Prize in Biology “Margarita Salas”, for his innovative and multidisciplinary vision in biology, applying techniques at the vanguard of chemistry and structural biology.