

Thin epitaxial Ru films have been grown on Al2O3(0001) by magnetron sputtering. Characterization by ion beam techniques show that they are of very good epitaxial quality and allow further growth of nanostructures on top

Combined aircraft measurements and model simulations show that dust is a source of reactive iodine. The added dust iodine leads to significant regional tropospheric ozone depletion. The results are reported in Science Advances

Two Greenland ice cores reveal that abrupt climate warming and sea ice retreat in the Arctic preceded maximum iodine levels, reaching peak concentrations during interglacial periods.

This work, recently published in Nature Communications, has been featured on the Editor's Highlights webpage called "Catalysis", which reports cutting edge research across the field of catalysis.

Dos endolisinas con elevada actividad antineumocócica han sido caracterizadas estructural y funcionalmente por científicos del IQFR, el CIB y la Universidad de Salamanca.

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